Sunday, November 7, 2010

In All Your Ways...

      Wow so I just had this Hugeeee Epiphany... ok no..rewinddd...
I just recently went through this incredibly crazzy / eye opening situation ....then i had the " Epiphany"..
I won't go into detail but I can truly say it was soul deep devestating..... It broke me from the inside out...turned my wrongs and rights upside down and made me take a really good look at the person I claim to be... On the flip side though a lil jaded.. I can truly say I praise God for allowing me to go through this experience and more so for the lessons Im continually learning from it... so what have I learned...

1.) You will know a tree by it's "Fruit" -

Jesus spoke life...his words were  simple yet profound...He say's look people...  If a tree " looks " like an apple tree yet produces's obviously a lemon tree..
 Man will take a verse like..Matthew 7:16 ... dissect, mutilate, sprinkle it with educated jargon  to make it sound beyond average intellect, spice it up with a price tag and a two page intro listing all his/ her accreditations and before  you know it all you've truly retained is... lemon..??
Studying the word of God, delving deep into the scripture is like diving full force into God's treasure chest...his words are life...but so was the simplicity of Jesus's parables....they were profound enough for the intellect yet simple enough for the layman....When he say's you will know a tree by it's fruit he was dead on...
Look at a person...look at their fruit...they may look, talk, dress the part but if their producing fruit in their lives that contradict what their claiming... beware.... anybody hiding behind a false identity is not to be trusted...

2.) Actions speak louder than words -

WOW now seriouslyyy this is a biggy..... If someone suddenly drops the ( L ) bomb on you but their actions say otherwise... check their actions first they may not be describing the Love you or I think Love to be....
The dictionary defines Love as : ( Feeling ) the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment...Love defined in the Word of God is based not on ( Feeling ) but ( Action )....1 Corinthians 13....Love is Patient...Love is Kind..Love Seeks not it's own keeps ( no ) record of wrong done against it....Action has life...while words are empty....In a nutshell my lesson here was " Check yourself before you wreck yourself " test every word and make sure it's backed up with action... Satan's a Lier and a Theif..he comes to woo you in with his empty words.... then steal what is sacred... beware of anybody who can't back it up with the fruit of God's Love....

3.) Compromise can be a death trap -

Never everrrrr...compromise the things of God for the things of Man....Satan will use it to chew you up and spit you out....Like the saying goes " TO THY OWN SELF BE TRUE " ... Let's face it ... weve all been their done that in one way or another.... we all make and will continue making mistakes but if I've learned one thing from this whole ordeal it's this... Other than God who will never leave or forsake us..we enter and exit this world as me, myself and I....It's Vital to be true to the person staring you back in the mirror....don't give what is sacred to dog's or what is precious to pigs..they will turn and trample them underfoot....Beware of anyone who pressures you to Compromise those things you hold sacred.... Pressure = selfish ambition for personal gain....not Love......

4.) In ( all ) your waysss ( acknowledge him ) 

If you know God personally you know he Loves you and I with a Passion.... He planned, formed, created, and chose us to live his breath of life...He's bottled every tear we've ever shed and even the very hairs on our heads are numbered....he's amazinggg and just for that reason alone should be considered and acknowledged for his amazzzingggnesss....but alas we like sheep have gone astray... each of us have gone our own way...and satan who roams this earth like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour seeks us out in our times of wanderlust in an attempt to steal... kill and destroy that which God has made Beautiful..... My biggest lesson here was that I must consider and acknowledge my Lord not in a few of my ways or in some of my ways ...but in ( all ) my ways... In my thoughts, my heart, my speech, my dress, my decision making, my first fruits...God is God he is worthy of our best...and nothing less...

My situation was crazzzy tragic .... If I can share a nugget of truth to anybody out their from my own personal  ' CRAZZzzy " it's this..... Make God Number 1.....and everything else second....He is honestly the only one who keeps me sane in a wicked and perverse generation... to anyone willing to receive ... be blessed....
           In All Your Ways Acknowledge Him and He will Make your Paths straight.. - Proverbs 3:6 -

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Death isn’t always in the obvious… It isn’t always in the physical or the visual…. But can often times be found in the deepest sacred parts of our inner man.

Many times we smile… laugh… adapt to the mirage in our social realm….though inwardly walk around as dead men… Numb to actually feeling any type of emotion other than the broken aftermath that lingers in our soul. We dissconnect ourselves from our reality…remove ourselves from the pain…. and make it a habitual routine to disconnect ourselves from any future…or situation that may in turn cause any opportunity for hurt…

This Brokeness feels like inner death..and for those of you who know what Im talking about you know what I mean when I say it hurts to even breath… with the sun rise comes yet another 24 hour internal hell….you turn to your alarm clock, take hold of your pillow and inwardly cry those deep calls to deep….why LOrddd ??

I can’t say Im an authority on the character of God ..Im definately in Love with him and his character.. he has and continues to be that story that gets better and better with every turning of the page ….what I can say Iv’e had the opportunity to be very intimate with would be the matter of personal death relating to the refining of God and what C.S Lewis liked to call the ” Problem of pain “…

The invaluable lessons Iv’e learned from the Lord have only been birthed in and through the intense fire of deep inner pain and brokenness. And although painful… it is only through the Fire of Life that I have felt any type of refining and Inner growth being done in my person.

Let’s face it…we live in a time where everything is easily accessable as well as disposable…with the push of a button or the touch of a screen we can pretty much have anything we want anytime we want and when we get bored Toss…Bounce and on to the next…

Humanity will spend entire life times using and being used…Living in a world like this requires a tough skin…the ability to face many forms of rejections…many forms of usery…We live in a time where words mean nothing…while actions mean everything…where people will say and do whatever they need in order to obtain the object of their desire…and although it is not Flesh and Blood we fight against but spirits and principalities..the heart is still pierced by the betrayal of a brother, a lover or supposed friend…

That being said…the Walk of the Narrow… is not one for the weak… a Follower of Christ takes perserverance, many times of picking ourselves up from the mire and with the strength of God enduring what we need to endure at the time emotionally to eventually end up where God is calling us…

Death may come in many forms….the death of a loved one…a relationship….a dream…but whatever the form may be, be encouraged that through this hardship is an abundance of God’s grace waiting for us on the other side….It’s during these hardships that we as people do one of two things…harden our hearts or melt in the arms of an Almighty God…It’s through our brokeness that he like a shepard to a lamb can take us to his bosum, hold us near to his heart and in his gracious Love nurse us back to spiritual health…It’s through death that we ultimately find life …. and the life we find is only found in the Loving arms of a Loving God…